Education System differences with Spain

Education system in Finland is very particular. Children start education at Early childhood education and care (ECEC) but this is voluntary don´t have to go to school until they are seven years old at least if they don´t want to go. Parents usually leave their children in kindergardens while they are working.
After that, they are obligated to go to pre-primary education that is only 1 year, followed By Basic education, in which, they are 9 years. Upper secondary education usually takes 3-4 years, students at the age of 16 may choose to continue their secondary education in either an academic track (lukio) or a vocational track (ammattikoulu), both of which usually take three years and give a qualification to continue to tertiary education. Then it is suppose that you are able to go to higher education in universities and universities of applied sciences.

Those things shocked to me a lot, because in Spain children usually start school when they are 3 years old! Also Finish system is develop to let children enjoy their freetime and playing while they are learning. By contrast, in my opinion Education in Spain are outdated. Nowadays they mantain children in boring lectures and they ask a lot of homework for kids so they are not able to play after school.

Besides, what do more special about Finland Education System is the education of the teachers. They are selected between 10 percent of the top graduated to study a master degree in Education and teachers are able to know every student so education is really customized.

As a result of this, they obtein the best results in PISA rankings in the whole world, so other countries have a lot to learn from this system.


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