First one in happiness?

First at all, everyone has listened any time that Nordic countries at the happiest countries in the world, specially Finland. How is this possible? This ranking is developed by the UN. This report is based in six issues that are key for wellbeing. They are income, healthy life expectancy, social support, freedom, trust and generosity, too, another one as corruption and so one. The first three countries are Finland, Norway and Denmark. An example of this is that Finland only have 6% of population is living without work. This are the lowest stadistics of European Union. 

Also the social support is huge in Finland they pay big taxes but they receive all kind of free services like Education, health supporting for children etc. Besides, another point is the lack of corruption in Nordic countries. For example, Finland is the country in the world with less corruption and is extremately strange to see and event of this type.

Finally, in my opinion the most interesting issue compare in this ranking is the well-being for inmigrants, specially for exchange students as me due to the fact that maybe some day I will have become and worker inmigrant here in Finland. Like the newspaper theculturetrip afirm: "Finland also scored highly in the newest item in the happiness report. While the extreme cold and remoteness doesn’t make Finland particularly attractive to expats, those who do brave the cold find Finland to be a highly friendly, welcoming and accommodating country. The social security system tries its best to help immigrants assimilate into Finnish society, such as providing Finnish language classes and information about life in Finland. While some nationalists are against Finland becoming a multicultural nation, others say that the country actually needs more immigrants to solve a looming labour crisis caused by a dramatic drop in the birth rate."

Maybe this surprise enormously to Spanish people because they always said that is imposible to be happy with this weather but who knows, maybe people in my country are wrong!😜



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