Giger y Davidhizar model (nursing and culture)

The Transcultural Giger and Davidhizar evaluation model was developed in 1988 in response to the need for nursing students in an undergraduate program to assess and care for patients who were culturally diverse. The model includes six cultural phenomena: communication, time, space, social organization, environmental control, and biological variations. These provide a framework for patient assessment and culturally sensitive care can be designed.

The Giger and Davidhizar Transcultural model postulates that each individual is culturally unique and should be evaluated according to six cultural phenomena: (A) communication, (b) space, (c) social organization, (d) time, (e) of the environmental control, and (f) the biological variations.


Communication covers the whole world of human interaction and behavior. Communication is the medium through which culture is transmitted and preserved. Both verbal and non-verbal communication are learned in one's own culture.

Space refers to the distance between individuals when they interact. All communication occurs in the context of space. Rules regarding personal distance vary from culture to culture. Territoriality refers to feelings or an attitude toward one's personal area. Each person has his own territorial behavior. Feelings of territoriality or violation of the personal and intimate space of the client can cause discomfort and can result in a treatment rejecting a client or returning to receive additional care.

The social organization

Social organization refers to the way in which a cultural group is organized throughout the family group. The allocations of family structure and organization, values ​​and religious beliefs, and the role of everyone can be related to ethnicity and culture.


 Weather is an important aspect of interpersonal communication. Cultural groups can be passed, present or future oriented. Preventive health care requires a bit of guidance from future time, since preventive actions are motivated by a future reward.

The control of the environment.

 Environmental control refers to the person's ability to control nature and to plan and direct factors in the environment that affect them. Many Americans believe that the control of nature to meet their needs and therefore are more likely to seek medical attention when necessary.


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