Hofstede´s Cultural Dimensions (1)

Firstly, it is a really interesting theory due to the fact that it helps a lot to understand the society system also, it helps people from different countries to question the cultural organization of your country with respect to other countries too, this theory can be useful to help societies in the area of ​​fundamental and economic rights.

The model consist in 5 dimesions: power distance index, individualism against colectivism, masculism and feminism, Uncertainty Avoidance Index, long time orientation. Hofstede has compiled most of its data on world cultural values through studies conducted by IBM, a US-based technology and consulting firm. UU Next, he has proposed a scoring system that uses a scale of 1 to 120. 

Index of distance from power: according to Hofstede, "power distance refers to the extent to which the less powerful members of organizations and institutions (such as the family) accept and expect power to be distributed unequally." This dimension does not measure the level of power distribution in a given culture, but it analyzes how people feel about it. In my opinion, this is the most important point because this shows the general level of development of the country.
 Individualism against collectivism:  is the degree to which people are integrated into groups are more cultural that political. Masculinity against femininity: "distribution of emotional roles between genders". This dimension measures the level of importance that a culture gives to stereotypically masculine values, such as assertiveness, ambition, power and materialism, and to stereotypically feminine values, such as the emphasis on human relationships. 

Index of avoidance of uncertainty: "tolerance of a society of uncertainty and ambiguity". It is a dimension that measures the way in which a society deals with unknown situations, unexpected events and the tension of change. The cultures that obtain a high score in this index tolerate the change worse and tend to minimize the anxiety caused by the unknown by implementing rules, regulations or rigid laws. Societies that score low on this index are more open to change and have fewer rules and laws, as well as more flexible guidelines.

Hofstede insists that cultural dimensions are no more than a framework to help evaluate a specific culture and, in this way, better guide decisions. There are other factors that must be taken into account, such as personality, family history or personal assets. The proposed dimensions do not allow to predict the individual behaviors, nor do they take into account the personality of each one.


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