Salaries in Europe

Yesterday me and my friends were chatting in my residence after eating about the difference in salaries between Northen Countries specially Finland and our country (Spain). In Spain we have a Welfaire system similar to Finland but our salaries are lower compared to Finland. It is true that our prices are lower too. Here in Finland the salaries are much higher than Spain but the prices are higher too. However, we were discussing that the real problem is that in Spain the different of prices with Finland is not as big as the difference with salaries. 

The average salary in Finland is 2300 for men and 2000 for women. Salaries in Finland, according to the study, are the seventh highest in Europe, and have been rising faster than the European average. Women continue to earn less money) and an age range. A good tool to have a basis when negotiating wages in Finland. There is no minimum wage in Finland but extremely small salaries. If we consider the high level of taxes of the country, and its high prices of Finland compared with other countries, we see that the purchasing power of a Finn is quite small. Salaries in Finland are high on paper, but what can be bought with this amount is not much compared to the gross salary.

The minimum wages are agreed by the unions of workers, and not in a state way. The lowest salaries in Finland are for those who work in farms for women, and for those who work in cleaning for men, about 1,600 euros. The highest would be for the heads of banks and medical heads, on the gross 6,000 euros per month. It is important to say that in Finland taxes are too high but the Welfaire system offer you almost everything that you need for "free", education, health, unemployed payment, helps to birthing and so one.

Spain is in the middle of the table with 1,639 euros per month, which leads us to occupy the 13th position. Besides being below the community average (it is 18% lower), we are surpassed by the Nordic countries and the four great powers of the Old Continent. Below, on the other hand, are all the countries of the East, Portugal and Greece. In total, 15 countries. Luxembourg (3,228 euros) and Denmark (3,807 euros), which has the honor of registering the highest salary of the Twenty-eight.

In another step are the nine countries with an average remuneration lower than those 2,500 euros, but higher than 1,000. Among them is Spain, with 1,639 euros. In addition to our country, Portugal (1,017 euros), Greece (1,023 euros), Slovenia (1,190 euros), Malta (1,265 euros), Cyprus (1,291 euros), Italy (2,033 euros), France (2,356 euros) are integrated into this group. ) and the United Kingdom (2,381 euros). However, within this group there are also wide differences, and that is that the average salaries of the United Kingdom and France more than double those of the rescued Portugal and Greece.

Lastly, and on the backward side, we found a total of 10 countries with an average salary of less than 1,000 euros per month. All are from Eastern Europe: Bulgaria (407 euros), Romania (563 euros), Lithuania (566 euros), Latvia (619 euros), Hungary (686 euros), Poland (768 euros), Croatia (824 euros), Slovakia (845 euros), Czech Republic (882 euros) and Estonia (942 euros).


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